MIIT: China leads the world in industrial robot production and installations


According to an address of Xin Guobin, deputy director of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MII), at the opening ceremony of the 2023 World Robot Games in Beijing, China robot industry sales in 2022 were more than 170 billion yuan (1 yuan = approx. 20 yen), and industrial robot installations accounted for more than 50% of the world’s total. Driven by the construction of a manufacturing powerhouse and Digital China, China’s robotics industry in 2022 has produced industrial robots exceeding 443,000 sets, up 20% from the previous year.

Robot density in the manufacturing industry reached 392 robots per 10,000 workers. Service and specialized robots are being applied on a large scale in areas such as logistics, medicine, and construction, and are also playing an important role in space exploration, emergency rescue, and public safety.

MIIT: China leads the world in industrial robot production and installations
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