

Our news cover the latest topics from the past 30 days, as retrieved from Chinese or Japanese press releases and other sources which we cite.

For news older than 30 days, please refer to the  archive page.

For news topics up to November 2020, please click here to retrieve information from the “Window-to-China” website which remains active but is not further updated.

A National Biomanufacturing Industry Innovation Center starts construction in Shenzhen

AI helps to redesign P450 enzymes

A ride through the cliffs in a high-mountain monorail in Jiangxi Province

A low-altitude transport corridor for drones in Guangdong delivers university acceptance letters

A new bismuth-based thermoelectric material transforms body heat into electricity

Tianjin researchers develop new Ti-based catalyst for propylene production

CAS reports automated deep-sea gene sequencing at 1380 m

CAS researchers target gene integration in human cells by engineered RNA retrotransposons

A Chinese team proposes a “space moss” as a promising pioneer plant for “terraforming” Mars

One new energy vehicle in 30 seconds at Ceres in Chongqing, 306,000 units from January to May 2024

A smart factory in Guangxi produces one hybrid engine every 53 seconds

3D printable elastomers with exceptional strength and toughness: Zhejiang University

A wristwatch with an ion-sensitive membrane sensor monitors electrolytes in sweat in real time

China publishes ethical guidelines for human genome editing research

DNA and gelatin – an aerogel mix as a coolant

Digital technology restores the costume of a Song Chinese from the remains in his tomb

A 1 qm electrolyzer generates hydrogen from seawater offshore

Mass production of humanoid robots has started in Dalian

Carbon fiber subway cars shown in Qingdao

China has 3.8 million 5G base stations and is at the forefront of mobile communication

Applying 28 million tons of cotton stalks to high-value-added products

Samples from moon’s backside arrive in Inner Mongolia

The 6th Dragon Program between China and Europe has a focus on environmental protection

Qingdao’s automated wharf loads one standard container per second

A neural probe probes simultaneously over 1000 neurons in vertebrate brains

China and Romania inaugurate joint lab for cooperation in agriculture

DeepGlycanSite database detects glycan binding sites in proteins

The structure of alarm pheromone receptors may hold new opportunities for insect control

Nanjing Agricultural University is conducting research on cell-cultured meat using 3D bioprinting technology

Qingdao will host China’s first hydrogen energy port



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