Month: October 2021

26-10 China claims major advances in „green buildings“, publishes 15 years guideline

According to the Ministry of Housing and Urban-rural Development, the total floor area of China’s „green buildings“ now exceeds 6.6 billion m2. The proportion of green buildings will be further increased, building energy efficiency standards raised and buildings with ultra-low energy consumption popularized in regions with suitable climate conditions. Green renovation of existing buildings will be promoted to improve energy efficiency and lower carbon emissions. According to a new guideline, institutional mechanisms and policy systems for green development in urban and rural areas will be basically established by 2025, while green development will cover urban and rural areas in a comprehensive way by 2035, with an increased cut in carbon emissions. Xinhua news release, Oct. 26, 2021

22-10 China establishes Graphene Materials Industry Metrology Center

China has established a National Institute of Metrology for Materials Industry at two metrology institutes in Shenzhen and Beijing, at the China Metrology Research Institute in Shenzhen, and the Beijing Measure Detection Science Academy. They will focus on standardization and quality assurance of graphene materials and provide reference materials. In China, more than 10 listed companies are working on researching and manufacturing graphene-based products, usually graphene conductive materials, flexible displays, and thermally conductive materials. They produce graphene sheets and powders in large quantities. JST China news, October 22, 2021

19-10 China: 450 million 5G users, over 1.1 million 5G stations

According to the Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, gigabyte optical networks now cover over 200 million households. By 2023, over 560 million or 40 % of all mobile phone users are expected to use 5G networks. According to the Industrial Internet Plan 2021“, a National Industrial Internet Big Data Center will be almost completed by the end of 2021, promoting the conversion of industrial equipment and business systems to cloud computing by more than 100,000 companies. The plan also encourages large companies to build a digitization platform that suits the characteristics of SMEs, develop digitization services, and promote digitization of SMEs. Xinhua news October 19, 2021 Japan JST China news June 16, 2021

18-10 CAS DICP develops high-performance phototermal conversion graphene composite material

The group of SHI Quan at the CAS Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, has developed a graphene-based composite phase change material with high light-to-heat conversion efficiency. The composite phase change material has a high loading capacity (95wt%), can maintain a stable phase change enthalpy (162.8J/g) after 1000 heat and cold cycles, and shows excellent phase change heat storage performance. In addition, the material also has excellent light-to-heat conversion ability, which can quickly convert solar energy into thermal energy and store it in the phase change material, with a conversion efficiency of up to 93.7%. Chemical Engineering Journal

15-10 China increases carbon fibre production

According to Japanese sources, China’s market for carbon fibers is around 50,000 t, of which over 60% is imported. As a result of the rapidly increasing demand for this material for lithium battery separators and the photovoltaic industry in China, Chinese companies are now increasingly entering the production. For example, Zhongfu Shenying, a subsidiary of China National Building Material Corporation, has just started up a 10,000 t plant in Xining, Qinghai province. Japan JST China news, October 15, 2021

11-10 CAS DICP enables production of green hydrogen at MW level using an electrolyser with proton-exchange membrane (PEM).

Since the 1990s, the Dalian Institute of Chemical Technology (DICP) has carried out R&D on PEM-based electrolysis technology, and has developed several generations of electrolyzers for hydrogen production. The current system has a rated hydrogen production of 220Nm3/h and a peak hydrogen production of 275Nm3/h. A megawatt-level hydrogen production and fuel cell power generation system are under construction as a demonstration project of the Hydrogen Comprehensive Utilization Station of the State Grid Anhui Company. CAS news release, October 11, 2021

8-10 China Offshore Oil Corp. discovers 100 million ton class oilfield in the East China Sea

China National Offshore Oil Corporation has discovered another large oil and gas field “Kenli 10-2 Oil Field” in the Bohai Sea which, according to the Ministry of Natural Resources exceeds 100 million tons. The field is about 245 kilometers from Tianjin City, with an average depth of 15.7 meters. Tests have shown that the field can produce 81 tonnes of oil per day per well. Only recently, a 100 billion cubic meter class gas field “Bochu 19-6“ and the billion ton class oil fields “Kenli 6-1” and “Bochu 13-2“ were discovered here, bringing the oil confirmed reserves in the Bohai oil field to about 800 million tons. Japan JST China news, October 8, 2021

2021/10 Haiyang city will receive „zero-carbon heating“ by Haiyang Nuclear Power Plant

Haiyang Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1 in Shandong Province is said to become the world’s largest combined heat and power system. It is expected to replace 12 coal-fired boilers at the site and reduce coking coal consumption in each heating season by about 100,000 tons, carbon dioxide emissions by 180,000 tons, smoke dust by 691 tons, nitrogen oxides by 1,123 tons, and sulfur dioxide by 1,188 tons. The heating supply area will cover the whole urban area of Haiyang with 200,000 residents, making Haiyang the first “zero-carbon” heating city in China. Japan JST China news, November 10, 2021  

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