Month: June 2013

Yunnan Province expands biological clusters

With a focus on Kunming, Yunnan’s capital, three industrial clusters are being promoted: traditional Chinese pharmaceuticals, which is already at the core of Yunnan’s bioindustry, with over 60.000 staff, oil plants and spices. Yunnan has a very favorable climate to grow and breed the relevant plant species. Chinese Industrial Biotechnology Network, June 28. 2013

Qingdao opens „Know what you eat“ house

Organized by the Qingdao City Bureau of Quality Control and Technical Supervision, and located in the Qingdao Development Zone, the “Food Pavilion” contains educational material on food safety and displays on 500 m2 nearly 1600 samples of poisonous, harmful or inferior food samples. Presentations include cartoons and many high-tech features such as 3D multimedia and […]

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