Month: May 2016

China’s Chang’e 5 to land on moon and return in 2017

China will send lunar probe Chang’e 5 to land on the moon and return with lunar samples in the second half of 2017, according to State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense (SASTIND) on Friday. It will be the first time a Chinese probe to land on the moon, collect samples and return to Earth. China plans to orbit Mars, land and deploy a rover around 2020. A new generation of carrier rockets including Long March 5 and 7 will also be put in operation in 2016, CAS news release, May 27, 2016

WuXi PharmaTech and Huawei introduce first Chinese cloud platform for individualized medicine

Under the „135“ program, WuXi and Huawei will comply with the relevant provisions of the State Food and Drug Administration (CFDA), through cooperation with third-party security life sciences cloud platform vendors, joint development for Chinese Medicine Program and precise data exchange standards and frameworks. China Bio news release, May 25, 2016

China will launch 30 Beidou satellites until 2020

Within its three-step strategy to build a global navigation system by 2020, the first batch of 18 satellites will be launched before 2018 to cover countries along the routes in the Belt and Road” initiative. After having achieved the first two steps — building a regional functional navigation system by 2012, the accuracy and stability of the Beidou system will be further improved.” CAS news release, May 23, 2016

China expects mature 5G standards by 2020

China started research on 5G technology in 2013, and will probably complete a first version of its 5G standards by 2018, adding standards which will become more mature 5G technology will raise network speeds by 1,000 times and bring virtual reality, holographic images and other new experiences to people’s lives. CAS news release, May 23, 2016

China to launch first „quantum satellite“

The world’s first satellite that can achieve quantum communication between the space and the Earth will be launched in July. As the basic unit of matter to carry energy, the quantum is inseparable and cannot be copied. The no-cloning theory of quantum mechanics is a breakthrough that ensures data encoded in photons is secure on the networks and cannot be captured or copied during transmission. The 2,000-km quantum communication main network between Beijing and Shanghai will be fully operational in the second half of this year. Government agencies and banks in cities along the route can use it first. CAS news release, May 21, 2016

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