Month: September 2017

Nuwacell prepares for clinical studies on hematopoetic iPS cells in 2018

The company was founded in January 2016 in Hefei, Anhui Province, and chairman of the board is Dr. Yu Junying. As a graduate of Peking University, she got her Ph. D. from the University of Pennsylvania and was a post-doc with James Thomson at the University of Wisconsin, where she did pioneering work on embryonic stem cells and iPS technology. From 2009 to 2015, she worked for Cellular Dynamics International, now a subsidiary of Fujifilm. In 2016, she returned to China and founded Nuwacell. CAS news release, September 29, 2017

China sets up 10 pilot programs, will establish national park system by 2020

The State Council has ordered all its provinces and regions to establish an ecological “red line” that will declare designated regions under mandatory and rigorous protection. The 10 pilot programs include Sanjiangyuan (the source of China’s three major rivers), giant panda habitats and the Great Wall. The country’s national parks will follow the principle of “ecological protection first”, and will be authorized by the central government and implemented by government-led management.” CAS news release, September 27, 2017

China’s vaccine industry: 64 kinds, 25 billion Yuan sales

China implemented a child immunization program in 1978 which is steadily expanding. In early 2017, there were 43 approved vaccine companies, accounting for 40% of the global vaccine production enterprises. About 300 companies are involved in vaccine R&D, including research on DNA and cancer vaccines. Vaccine enterprises are mainly concentrated in Beijing, Tianjin, Jiangsu, Shanghai, Guangdong and Sichuan. A detailed analysis is available in Chinese. China Bio news release, September 25, 2017

China plans to complete National Technology Transfer System by 2025

The State Council will establish, by 2020, a national technology transfer system with the objective to support China’s efforts to become a leading power in science and technology. Key feature is a more unified and open technology market and exchange network on the national level. For instance, sci-tech achievements from military departments shall be accessible to civilian departments, and vice versa, and cross-regional transfer should be encouraged. CAS news release, September 27, 2017

Northern China’s largest biogas pipeline opened in Qingdao

The plant, jointly invested by Qingdao Huatong Group and Qingdao Energy Group, is located in Qingdao Pingdu South Village and fed with corn stalks and vegetable residues as raw materials. It will produce 6,6 million m3 of biogas and 24,000 tons of organic fertilizer. The technology comes from CAS QIBEBT in Qingdao. The gas will be distributed to households by the gas pipelines of the Qingdao Energy Group. China Bio news release, September 25, 2017

China’s icebreaker Xuelong explores Ice Silk Road””

The icebreaker returned home through the Bering Strait from a 83-day rim expedition on the Arctic. At around the same time as the expedition, five Chinese cargo ships also sailed through the newly-discovered sail route near the North Pole. The Tianjian”, one of these ships, meanwhile arrived in Greenland and is en route to St. Petersburg. China is interested to open an arctic road to Europe which would be about 40 percent shorter than the one through the Suez Canal, and has pleaded to Russia for joint efforts to co-develop this new Northern passageway. China is just constructing a second icebreaker, Xuelong 2, which will be capable of breaking through a 20-meter-deep pressure ridge, and which will carry an Italian-made helicopter, the Leonardo AW169.” CAS news release, September 25, 2017

China könnte bald Treibstoff-Ethanol nicht nur aus Biomasse herstellen, sondern auch aus Kohle

Gemäß dem 13. Fünfjahresplan Chinas für Energie soll das Land bis 2020 300 Millionen t Treibstoff-Ethanol aus Biomasse produzieren und damit 150 Millionen t fossilen Treibstoff ersetzen. Allerdings wurde inzwischen auch die Herstellung von Treibstoff-Ethanol aus Kohle verbessert, und China hatte Ende 2016 nachgewiesene Kohlereserven von 1,6 Billionen Tonnen. Die bevorzugte, am CAS Dalian Institute for Chemical Physics ausgearbeitete Route verwendet Synthesegas, mit dem Dimethylester über einen Zeolith-Katalysator zu Methylacetat carbonyliert und das Methylacetat zu Ethanol über einen Cu/ZnO-Katalysator hydriert wird. Bis 2018 wird die Shaanxi Yanchang Group auf diesem Weg Produktionsanlagen für 300.000 t Treibstoff-Ethanol fertigstellen, eine 100.000 t-Anlage ist bereits in Betrieb. Analysten von Orient Securities gehen davon aus, dass die Kosten für Ethanol aus Biomasse zwischen 4700-5600 Yuan/Tonne liegen, während die Kosten für Ethanol aus Kohle lediglich 4000-4200 Yuan/Tonne betragen. Es ist also nicht unwahrscheinlich, daß ein erheblicher Teil des chinesischen Treibstoff-Ethanols 2020 nicht aus Biomasse, sondern aus Kohle hergestellt wird.

China will build observatory in 5000 m altitude at Ngari, Tibet

The observatory will be equipped with a 12 m telescope and equipment for the recording of cosmic rays beyond 50 TeV. For the latter part, the University of Tokyo has offered co-funding. Another topic will be the search for primary gravitational waves from the early beginnings of the cosmos after big bang”. All features are contained in the present “135” plan and scheduled to align the Ngari observatory with the other two leading observatories in the world, the Mauna Kea observatory in Hawaii and the Paranal observatory in Chile” CAS news release, September 22, 2017

CAS Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden: high yields of biodiesel from raw oils with high acid value using magnetic solid acid catalysts

Using a magnetic Zr-CMC-SO3H@3Fe-C400 catalyst, the group of FANG Zhen has prepared biodiesel via esterification or transesterification from high AV oils such as Jatropha oil in yields of 95 – 97 % when the reaction was done in several cycles over the solid catalyst followed by its magnetic separation and regeneration. CAS news release, September 22, 2017

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