Month: July 2015

Shanghai opens National Center for Protein Science

The center is conceived as one of 12 large national science facilities and located in the Pudong area. Construction cost were 100 million Yuan. Since the start of trial operations in mid-2014, 3.500 researchers from 60 indstitutes and universities across China are said to have carried out experiments in this well-equipped institution already. CAS news release, July 29, 2015

Tsinghua Holdings and Baoji High-Tech Zone in Beijing sign strategic agreement to build 1.3 billion Yuan S&T Park

The partners will offer space and technology from China’s leading university in various fields of information technology, environmental protection, life science, technology services and knowledge industries, the Internet industry, biomedicine, new energy development, intelligent manufacturing, machinery and electronics, offering intellectual support from talents. China Bio news release, July 27, 2015

National Gene Bank, Shenzhen, opens E-BioBank resource sharing platform

The resource center aims at integrating biological resources. The Sample Library Catalog will provide information on and access to human, animal, plant and microbial resources throughout China. Thus, the Beijing Clinical Data and Sample Repository for Major Diseases, Suzhou City’s Jiangsu Provincial Disease Prevention and Control Center Specimen Bank, Fujian Provincial Tumor Hospital Biobank, Cixian Cancer Hospital Specimen Bank and dozens of other units have already been integrated. China National Gene Bank will also team up with GGBN, ISBER, BBMRI and other international sample library alliances. A website in Chinese is available under China Bio news release, July 24, 2015

Taiwan’s Bioindustry is thriving

Bio Taiwan 2015 (July 23 – 26, 2015) shows a blooming industry sector with 288,6 billion NT $ turnover (8.5 billion €), strong growth and investment. Acording to President MA Yingjeou, Taiwan now boasts over 1600 biotech companies or 2,16 % of all listed companies. China Bio news release, July 24, 2015

Beijing Shougang LanzaTech demonstration plant confirms validity of CO2 to ethanol process at 300 t scale

Beijing Shougang LanzaTech New Energy Science & Technology Co, a joint venture of the Beijing Shougang Group and LanzaTech, has successfully reproduced production of 99,5 % ethanol from industrial waste gas at a 300 t scale. Next step will be a commercial plant project with 45.000 t fuel ethanol output. China Bio news release, July 23, 2015

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