Month: June 2022

China tests water-saving and draught-tolerant rice in Botswana The rice harvested on “China Rice Abundance Day” stems from a collaboration between Botswana Agricultural and Natural Resources University and Botswana Africa Agricultural Co., Ltd. It is based on a water-saving and drought-tolerant rice variety bred in China, adaptive test cultivation in Botswana selecting varieties that  match the climate characteristics of Botswana, and efforts to spread them nationwide.

China’s human resources in S & T exceed 100 million people, No. 1 in the world People’s Net Japanese Edition June 27, 2022 11:47 The Strategic Research Institute of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology released the “China Science and Technology Human Resource Development Research Report (2020)”  on June 25, 2022. China maintains the largest human resource advantage in science and technology in the world, with 112,341,000 people by the end of 2020. According to the report, the development and changes in China’s human resources in science and technology have the following five characteristics. (1) The total amount of human resources in science and technology continues to increase and has been the largest in the world for several years. (2) The human resources of science and technology with engineering background are absolutely dominant among all disciplines, accounting for the largest share of the total and increasing remarkably. (3) The structure of academic background is pyramid-shaped and continues to be optimized. (4) Human resources in science and technology are mainly middle-aged and young adults. (5) Female human resources in science and technology are growing rapidly, accounting for 40.1% of the total in 2019 and continuing to rise. The report predicted and judged that China’s future human resources in science and technology “will maintain the total increase, continue to optimize the structure, and further increase in quality.” (Edited by YF)

Qinghai province (Tibet) provides over 50% of China’s potash fertilizer demand The Chalhan Salt Lake, located in Gedarmi City in the Tsaidam Basin, Qinghai Province (Tibet), is the largest deposit of potassium and magnesium salts in China, and has the largest reserves of sodium, magnesium, potassium, and lithium in China. The province’s potash fertilizer production in 2021 was 4.437 million tons, meeting more than 50% of the national demand. The stable export of potash fertilizer by the province has strongly supported China’s potash fertilizer supply,

China establishes “National Climate Change Adaptation Strategy 2035” The “Adaptation Strategy” states that “by 2035, climate change observation and early warning capabilities will have reached the world’s advanced level of the same period, climate risk management and prevention systems will be nearly mature, major and super-large climate-related disaster risks will be effectively prevented and controlled, climate change adaptation technology and standard systems will be further developed, the climate change adaptation capabilities of society as a whole will be greatly enhanced, and the climate change adaptation capacity of society will be enhanced. The climate change adaptation capacity of society as a whole will be greatly enhanced, and a climate-adaptive society will be nearly complete.”

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