Month: October 2013

Science budget revision shows severe deficits in budget control and corruption

A revision led by MOST and reported to the NPC Standing Committee by the Minister of Finance showed that a significant part of the national science budget may have been misused. Whereas the budget grew by an average annual increase of 28 % over the past 7 years, that parts oft he budget were used for personal purchases, unrelated travel etc. The main reason is thought to be the lack of standards in project and budget control. The findings are hotly debated in the public and will lead to changes in budget distribution and management. China Bio news release, Oct. 31, 2013

A „100 Chinese Nobel laureates“ plan

Within the National Talent Program of China („million people plan“ and „thousand people plan“), discussions are on to establish a „Future Nobel laureates“ program. First steps have already been explored since September 2012. The plan calls for screening and support of 2000 young talents under 35, 8000 talents of all ages and 100 „world class“ intellectuals who would receive up to 10 million Yuan support per person. People’s Daily, Oct. 31, 2013

China National Genebank announces strategic alliance with BioStorage Technologies

CNGB, located in Shenzhen, has announced that they have chosen BioStorage Technologies as their partner for the development oft he world’s largest genomic biobank. CNGB integrates an „omics“ database and a large-scale biorepository consisting of 30 million biological samples of human, animal, plant and microbioal origin. BGI press release, Oct. 29, 2013

BGI-Hong Kong 3730 Production Center begins operating, providing fast Sanger-type sequencing services

The subsidiary of BGI headquarters in Shenzhen has over 100 genome sequencers and a cloud computing platform. It is dedicated to the genetic service-related industries such as prenatal diagnosis, personal genetic risk assessment, the pharmaceutical industry, anti-cancer drug screening, and personal health spectrum checks. BGI press release, Occtober 28, 2013

Researchers at Sichuan Agricultural University sequence and analyse genome of Tibetian wild boars

Comparing the genome of Tibetan wild boar with those of neighboring Chinese domestic pigs showed the impact of thousands of years of artificial selection and different signatures of selection in wild boar and domestic pig. Genetic adaptations in Tibetan wild boar are associated with high altitudes and characterize the genetic basis of increased salivation in domestic pig. Mingzhou LI et al., Nature Genetics, doi:10.1038/ng.2811

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