Month: January 2013

Taiwan millionaire establishs „Tang Award“ at 1,36 million USD

The Taiwanese businessman Samual YIN has announced to fund, starting from 2014, a Chinese version of the Nobel prize, the “Tang Award”, named after the golden age of Chinese civilization. It will be awarded for sustainable developments, biopharmaceutical science, sinology and rules of law. The winners will receive 1.35 million USD plus 341.000 USD research funds. The donation is at 102 million USD Press release of Tang Prize Foundation, January 28, 2013;

CAS and CAE panels nominate China’s most important technology breakthroughs in 2012

According to a vote of Academicians of both organizations, the most important breakthroughs were 1. Successful docking of 3 Chinese astronauts to orbiting module 2. Successful dive of manned submersible to over 7.000 m depth in the Pacific 3. Start of operation of Dalian-Harbin high-speed railway in an area with extremely low temperatures 4. Publication of a full moon map captured by Chang-2 moon orbiter 5. Successful test of petaFlop supercomputer Sunway BlueLight 6. Successful test of 120 t liquid oxygen-kerosene engine for Long-March5 carrier rocket 7. Breakthroughs in quantum information processing 8. Identification of a third type neutrino oscillation 9. Approval of a hepatitis E vaccine developed by Xiamen Innovax Biotech Co 10. Inauguration of Asia’s biggest radio telescope in Shanghai Source: CAS press release, January 21, 2013

China FDA becomes WHO cooperation center

China is the world’s largest vaccine producer, with nearly 1 billion samples. The official installment by WHO, first for a developing country, expresses confidence that production technology and quality assurance of biological products has reached international standards China Industrial Biotechnology Consortium, January 18, 2013

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