Month: August 2017

A national biodegradable film evaluation test in agriculture sees advantages for polypropylene carbonate-based films

China is plagued by „white pollution“ originating from plastic residues, in particular for agricultural use. In 2015, the Ministry of Agriculture launched the National Biodegradable Film Evaluation Test” with more than 30 test sites, involving 8 crops. After 3 years of testing it was concluded that CAS Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry’s biodegradable PPC film showed excellent functions concerning warming and moisture conservation at low production cost. 300.000 t of this carbon dioxide-based film were produced in April by Oriental New Chemical Co.” China Bio news release, August 31, 2017

China speeds up drug development during “135”

According to a director of the National Health and Family Planning Commission, 95 % of patented drugs and 95 % of major medical equipment in China are still under patent protection from foreign companies. During the present 5 years plan (“135”), the government has taken steps to speed up drug development by Chinese companies, in particular by funding R&D, by improving the priority review system of CFDA and by revising patent regulations. 2018 is considered an excellent year for Chinese companies to obtain support for submitting original and proprietary new APIs. China Bio news release, August 31, 2017

Bayer China to support 4 Chinese healthcare startups

Within its grants4apps program,, the company has selected 4 out of 130 start-up candidates for training and support. The startups are a) Tuo Xiao Intelligent, committed to the development of a home stethoscope and fetal heart rate monitor, b) Huiyun Tong, focused on a cloud-based, non-invasive diagnosis for coronary artery occlusion, c) Nuo Tong which develops intelligent medical robot equipment for the elderly, and d) Drop Technology, committed to the development of electronic antiperspirant patch products. China Bio news release, August 30, 2017

CAS Hefei Institute of Physical Science develops novel research reactor for biomass conversion

ZHAO Huijun and colleagues at the Institute of Solid State Physics has developed an instrument, in which three kinds of reactors (fluidized bed reactor, fixed bed reactor, and slurry phase reactor) can be integrated and connected in a serial or in parallel manner. The instrument can be applied to biomass catalytic conversion by gasification, pyrolysis, liquefaction, hydrolysis, bio-oil refinery and so on. The operation parameters can be adjusted in a wide range (reaction temperature 25-800 oC, and pressure 0-10 MPa). In addition, a software system for real-time monitoring and analysis of the reaction process is integrated. Thus, the instrument provides a research platform for the development and evaluation of catalysts in the process of biomass conversion. CAS news release, August 29, 2017

Chinese domestic antibody drug industry in 2017 counts 200 companies with 22 approved species and about 200 drug applications

Sina Publisher has published a detailed map on Chinese antibody producers. The authors come to the conclusion that a) the number of producers is consolidating, b) autoimmune diseases and cancer application accounts for 78% market share of antibody drugs, c) for the next 10 years, domestic producers will focus on the development of generic or me-better antibodies China Bio news release, August 28, 2017

Ningxia Environmental Protection Office admonishes 6 biomanufacturers for malodor.

The companies comprise pharmaceutical and fermentation companies, e. g., Ninxia Eppen Biotech Co., a major MSG producer. The authority reclaimed that malodorous gas pollution prevention and control facilities were imperfect, environmental management was lacking, and in one case a sewage treatment station was closed. The companies were admonished to speed up the progress of governance, in strict accordance with the Central Eigth Environmental Protection Plan, and complete by the end of this year measures for a comprehensive treatment of malodor. China Bio news release, August 28, 2017

China rolls out Mars landing program.

According to the China National Space Administration, China plans to send a robotic probe to Mars around 2020. It will conduct scientific research on the soil and atmosphere and search for signs of water, The probe will consist of three parts-an orbiter, lander and rover. The rover will have six wheels and four solar panels, and will carry 13 scientific instruments, weighing about 200 kilograms. It will work 92 days on the planet, according to the probe’s chief designer. A larger probe will set off for Mars around 2030 to take samples and return to Earth. As to OUYANG Ziyuan, former chief scientist of China’s lunar program, robots will be essential in supporting human activity during Mars missions. As the Martian environment has low atmospheric pressure and low temperatures, robots can help astronauts produce and transport construction materials, build facilities and operate bases. In the long term, human explorers can figure out ways to increase greenhouse gases in the Martian atmosphere to warm up the planet and to melt ice on the surface. Then they can farm and mine from permanent bases. CAS news release, August 28, 2017

Blood glucose readers: Chinese startup VivaChek conquers sizeable share in POCT export market

Hangzhou VivaChek Co. was founded in 2013 by YANG Qinggang and WANG Chengchao and within two years succeeded to get certificates from US FDA, CE, Australia and other countries. In Germany, the company is certified by TÜV Rheinland. VivaChek at present sells 2 million sets of blood glucose meters annually, and its production line for test strips has a capacity of 300 million. The readers connect via bluetooth to smartphones and computers and allow interaction with doctors and blood sugar management apps. The Chinese point-of-care testing (POCT) market for blood sugar monitoring is over 50 billion Yuan. China Bio news release, August 25, 2017

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