Month: February 2019

Xiamen University team develops humanized mouse model for hepatitis B

Previous studies had shown that mesenchymal stem cells from human bone marrow have the potential to differentiate into hepatocyte-like cells in vitro and continue to maintain essential hepatocyte functions after being transplanted into host mouse livers. After HBV infection, the humanized mice developed specific immune and inflammatory responses and showed progression to chronic hepatitis and […]

Metal-free photocatalyst destroys E. coli in water in 30 minutes

A team from Yangzhou University, CAS Institute of Process Engineering and the University of Technology in Sydney has developed a mthod which killed model Escherichia coli under visible-light irradiation within 30 min, by using an edge-functionalized graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4) as the photocatalyst. The authors believe that edge functionalization generated an anisotropic electric field that promoted the separation […]

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