A Li-battery for Mars using Martian CO2 as a fuel
11. September 2024https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scib.2024…Read more
Construction of a Mars base by in-situ produced basalt fibers as composite materials
11. September 2024http://en.people.cn/n3/2024/0904/c9…Read more
A probiotic in a traditional fermented food mitigates colitis in animal experiments
11. September 2024https://www.nature.com/articles/s41…Read more
A BGI-Research led international team identifies over 20,000 new species from marine metagenome sequences
11. September 2024https://en.genomics.cn/news-6989.ht…Read more
Towards the commercial use of chitin deacetylase as a green pesticide
11. September 2024https://www.nature.com/articles/s41…Read more
Green certificates: a Chinese success story
11. September 2024http://j.people.com.cn/n3/2024/0903…Read more
China produced 5 million electric vehicles from Jan – June 2024, and expects a shortage of 1 million car workers in 2025
11. September 2024http://j.people.com.cn/n3/2024/0904…Read more
Juncao 菌草, fungi grown on grass, is a Chinese success story
28. August 2024http://en.people.cn/n3/2024/0828/c9…Read more
China holds 2/3 of world’s patents on robots, and robotics industry sales grow by 15% annually
28. August 2024http://j.people.com.cn/n3/2024/0822…Read more
Living plastics – a new concept to recycle polyester plastics after use
28. August 2024https://www.nature.com/articles/s41…Read more
USTC develops improved Li-CO2 battery for use on Mars
28. August 2024https://www.cas.cn/cm/202408/t20240…Read more
CAS QIBEBT: a homogenous cathode material enhances the life cycle of Li batteries dramatically
27. August 2024https://english.news.cn/20240826/bc…Read more
CAS IPE: recyclable glasses based on cyclic peptides
27. August 2024https://www.nature.com/articles/s41…Read more
Digital twins facilitate flood prevention in China
24. August 2024http://en.people.cn/n3/2024/0819/c9…Read more
Humanoid robots appear as guides in Chinese bank lobbies
24. August 2024http://jp.enghunan.gov.cn/hnjapanes…Read more
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