Nuclear heating advances in China

In Haiyang City, Shandong Province, the State Power Project “Warm Nuclear No. 1” nuclear heating supply project has recently started low-temperature test operation. This is the largest nuclear heating supply project in the country, covering an area of less than 5 million square meters in the urban area and serving 200,000 residents.

In Dalian, Liaoning Province, the Red River Nuclear Power Plant Nuclear Heating Supply Model Project has officially started operation. The project is the first nuclear heating supply project in the Northeast region, with a planned heating supply area of 242,400 square meters. The project will provide winter heating for approximately 20,000 local residents.

In Haiyan County, Zhejiang Province, the Core Group Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant and Nuclear Heating Supply Model Project, the first nuclear heating supply model project in southern China, is under construction, which, when completed and fully operational by 2025, will meet the heating supply needs of approximately 4 million square meters andeduce standard coal consumption by approximately 24,600 tons annually.

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