91% of China’s cities communicate on optical fiber systems, and 4G penetration rate of households is 77.6%

According to a review at a national telecommunication symposium held on August 1 in Dunhuang, Jiuquan, Gansu Province, the optical fiber network penetration in Chinese cities has reached 91%, with 100 MB/sec as the main choice for broadband users. In administrational villages, penetration rate exceeded 98%. The number of 4G base stations reached 44.4 million, and the 4G penetration rate 77.6%. In recent years, China’s fixed broadband household and mobile broadband user penetration rate have significantly improved, the former to 89%, the latter to 96%.

Japan JST China news, August 2, 2019. Original article http://www.china.com.cn/zhibo/content_75054628.htm

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