CAS Tianjin Institute of Industrial Biotechnology uses in-vitro multi-enzyme cascade to achieve complete conversion of cellulose

Aresearch team led by researcher YU Wei, a researcher at the In Vitro Synthetic Biology Center of CAS Tianjin Institute of Industrial Biotechnology, designed an enzymatic phosphate pathway for the stoichiometric conversion of cellulosic biomass using an in vitro multi-enzyme system. This pathway utilizes three cascades of phosphorylase (cellodextrin phosphorylase (CDP), cellobiose phosphorylase (CBP), and polyphosphate-dependent glucokinase (PGGK). )) The fiber polysaccharide is converted into high-energy phosphorylated sugar (glucose 1-phosphate and glucose 6-phosphate). Subsequent enzymes can be used to produce hydrogen, bioelectricity, or high-value chemicals. The research team used inositol as the final product and reached a yield of 98%, close to the stoichiometric substrate conversion. In addition, the in vitro multi-enzyme system also produced inositol from a corn stover hydrolysate as substrate.

CAS news release, September 27, 2018

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