CAS Institute of Microbiology group reveals in depth population genetics of S. cerevisiae

Professor BAI Feng-Yan’s group at the State Kay Laboratory of Mycology, Institute of Microbiology, CAS, presented a field survey of S. cerevisiae at an unprecedented population genetics analysis. A set of international isolates from different continents represents the maximum genetic variation of S. cerevisiae documented so far. The results show that S. cerevisiae is a ubiquitous species in nature, occurring in highly diversified substrates from man-made environments as well as habitats remote from human activity. Wild population of S. cerevisiae has differentiated much more greatly in nature than recognized before. Most of the wild isolates from primeval forests occurred in ancient and significantly differentiated basal lineages, while those from man-made environments usually clustered in less diverged domestic lineages or mosaic groups

WANG Qiming et al., Molecular Ecology Aug 22, 2012, DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-294X.2012.05732.x

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