Humanoid robots appear as guides in Chinese bank lobbies

China Construction Bank’s Shanghai Pudong branch has begun operating China’s first smart humanoid robot bank lobby guide training center. As an important training facility, the center will enhance the practical use of humanoid robots and promote the practical application of key technologies, key products, and key scenes.

An official from the Fintech Department of the bank’s Shanghai branch said, “We adopt an open and innovative training method. The humanoid robot is placed in the same environment as a real bank lobby, where it interacts with customers and receives training on various inquiries and services. The training method is close to real application, so the robot can respond more quickly to complex and rapidly changing bank services, improving the quality and efficiency of services. Customers can also participate in the robot’s training through dialogue and interaction.”

The use of humanoid robots to guide customers in bank lobbies has its own advantages over services provided by humans. An official from the department said, “Humanoid robots can quickly process repetitive tasks and reduce customer waiting time, and can continuously provide standardized services and ensure service quality. With the continuous development of technology, we can also provide more innovative and personalized services to meet the diverse needs of customers.”

Powerful technical support is essential for providing guidance using humanoid robots. Not only do these robots have advanced biomimetic structures and human-like movement control capabilities, but they can also accurately identify the environment and objects through advanced visual positioning technology and mimic human arm movements with precise upper limb movements. In addition, by combining natural language processing, voice recognition, and facial expression synthesis technologies, services can be provided more naturally and fluently, significantly improving the intimacy and realism of man-machine interaction.

Humanoid robots appear as guides in Chinese bank lobbies
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