At the National (Taojiang) Nanbamboo Industry Model Park in Yiyang, Hunan Province, a building has 21 bamboo poles, each up to 12 meters long, stretching from the ground to the roof, supporting a three-story building with a floor area of approximately 1,500 square meters.
According to Xue Zhicheng, chairman of Hunan Taohuajiang Bamboo Technology, which built this “bamboo building,” the entire frame is made of bamboo, and no reinforced concrete is used inside. This is currently one of the largest modern buildings in China with a solid bamboo structure. The material used is ‘large bamboo laminated timber’ , obtained by heat-pressing natural bamboo pieces which have excellent mechanical properties. In ordinary concrete buildings, the compressive strength is only required to be around 30 megapascals (MPa), but the compressive strength of bamboo laminated timber can reach a maximum of 70 MPa or more. Its strength exceeds that of steel of the same weight, and it can be applied to various environmentally friendly architectural structures.
To turn bamboo into rebar, joint research between universities and companies is going on. Zhongnan University of Forestry and Technology and Hunan Taohuajiang Bamboo Co., Ltd. have been working closely with industry and academia for many years. Hunan Province ranks among the top in China in terms of annual output of bamboo resources and the bamboo industry.