Brassica with 66% oil content: Shaanxi breeding research center陝西省で10日,認証を得ている%E3%80%82

A breeding team from the Shaanxi Hybrid Brassicas Research Center announced that they have successfully bred an oilseed rape genetic resource with 66% oil content. The data has already been certified by the Xi’an Oil Food and Feed Quality Supervision and Inspection Center of the State Food Bureau, making it the cruciferous genetic resource with the highest oil content currently known.

This achievement is considered a new development for the breeding of oilseed rape genetic resources with high oil content.

The center’s breeding team started with oilseed rape with an oil content of around 40%, and then adopted a variety of technological means, including selection, to concentrate genes with high oil content. After years of research, they finally bred an oilseed rape genetic resource with a high oil content of 66%.

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