UNESCO to establish Category 1 Institute on science, technology in China


http://en.people.cn/n3/2023/0523/c90000-20022461.htmlThe United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) is set to establish a Category 1 Institute on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) in Shanghai, China, according to a resolution adopted on Monday. The 216th session of the UNESCO Executive Board said that establishing such an institute will strengthen the organization’s leadership in the field of STEM education. It will also contribute to the implementation of UNESCO’s mission and the 2030 Agenda on sustainable development.

UNESCO’s Category 1 Institutes build scientific capacity in member states.

The adopted resolution to establish a Category 1 Institute in China still needs to be approved by the upcoming 42nd session of UNESCO’s General Conference in November. Once approved, it would be the first in China, as well as the first outside Europe.

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