China launches “Human interference in weather” action plan

Science and technology interfere with the weather, bringing happiness to mankind by increasing rain and snow and preventing hailstorms. Last year, human interference with the weather throughout China increased precipitation by about 39.8 billion tons, and the area protected by human hailstorm control increased to 650,000 square kilometers. …… Human intervention in weather has become a good supporter of disaster prevention and mitigation, food security, alleviation of water resource scarcity, and promotion and restoration of ecological protection.

By adapting to the laws of nature and using the means of science and technology, we have the power to control rainfall. Currently, China is building the world’s largest modern system of human intervention in weather. Weather observation has gone from the naked eye to the “celestial eye,” and three-dimensional all-weather monitoring has been formed by meteorological satellites, weather radar, and radiosondes. The command of operations is becoming increasingly smart, and technologies such as big data, cloud computing, and the Internet of Things are continuously empowering. Equipment is being upgraded to include everything from anti-aircraft guns, rockets, aircraft, and drones.

Following the “Human Interference in Weather ‘Cultivating Clouds’ Action Plan (2020-22),” the China Meteorological Administration recently released the “Human Interference in Weather ‘Disseminating Rain’ Mitigation Action Plan (2023-25). The plan identifies the goals and key tasks for the quality development of human intervention in weather over the next three years, and sets out that by 2025 a new type of human intervention activity system will be formed that is normative, highly efficient, technologically advanced, safe, reliable, multi-disciplinary, multi-type, and omni-directional.

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