Two Taiwan teams win gold medals at iGEM synthetic biology competition in Paris

On January 16, the Yang-Ming Chiao Tung University (NYCU) in Taiwan announced that two teams from NYCU won gold medals at the 2022 International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM), an international synthetic biology competition held in Paris, France, at the end of October 2022, out of 356 teams from top schools around the world. The university announced that two of its teams won gold medals.
The NYCU_Formosa team from the Hsinchu-Boai campus developed biomaterials for 3D bioprinting and regenerative medicine by simulating self-assembling peptides of Drosophila proteins. The team also combined bioinformatics and BioArt to create an online space to communicate synthetic biology knowledge to the public. The team was also nominated for the “Best Manufacturing Project” award in the manufacturing category.

The NYCU-Taipei iGEM team from the Taipei Yangming campus developed E.COLOR, a remote device that can observe bacterial growth through color changes. The device is expected to be useful for research and industrial applications such as protein drug production, and the team was awarded a $2,500 “Impact Grant” for high-impact projects. The team has participated in iGEM since 2007 and has received numerous awards, including 12 gold medals.



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