2022 Nobel prize on quantum physics: China’s translation into reality


When awarding the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics to Alain Aspect, John F. Clauser and Anton Zeilinger for “Groundbreaking work in the field of quantum research”, laudator Thors Hans Hansson also referred to the Chinese quantum communication satellite Micius, an idea of the Chinese quantum physicist and student of Anton Zeilinger, Pan Jianwei. Micius has already been conducting experiments in quantum key exchange and quantum teleportation in space since 2016. In 2017, he established an intercontinental quantum link between Xinlong in China and Graz, Austria, where they first exchanged encrypted images of Erwin Schrödinger and Chinese researcher Mo Di and later 2 GB of encrypted data. Meanwhile, China is achieving real-time satellite-to-ground quantum key distribution with micro-nano satellites and miniaturized ground stations. This could also enable the country to introduce a digital currency and circumvent economic sanctions in the future.

2022 Nobel prize on quantum physics: China’s translation into reality
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