Under a contract with Ethiopia’s telecom monopoly, Ethio-Telecom, ZTE has completed a contract to expand 4G services to six Ethiopian cities, Adama, Bishoftu, Mojo, Dukem, Gelan and Awash-Melkasa, where high mobile data traffic has been observed. In the next three months, the service will be expanded to other major Ethiopian cities including Dire Dawa, Bahir Dar, Gonder, Jimma, Jijiga, Harar, Wolyata-Sodo, Ambo, Nekemte, Arba Minch and Hawassa. Ethiopia is undertaking extensive telecom modernization services with the help of Chinese firms as part of the east African country’s aim of realizing digital inclusion and boosting the size of its digital economy, with the provision of reliable, high band-width and high speed telecom services.
Xinhua news release, February 19, 2021