China opens “virtual satellite ground stations” in 10 countries along the “belt and road”

The Institute of Aerospace Information Research has opened “virtual ground stations” in Mongolia, Kenya, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Nepal, Thailand, Venezuela and Belgium. In these 10 countries, the institute’s self-developed virtual ground stations receive near-real time data from China’s remote satellite ground stations which support satellites such as the HJ-1A, HJ-1B, Landsat-8 and Proba-V which have played an important role in ecological environment monitoring and disaster alleviation. The data can be received without actually installing a satellite reception antenna. China’s remote sensing satellite ground stations cover 70% of all land in Asia, and China’s data transmission network and big data real-time processing technology is advanced.

Xinhuanet, Sept. 18, 2018

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