China inaugurates spallation neutron source

The neutron scattering source is located in Dalang Town of Dongguan City, Guangdong province. Construction was done by scientists and engineers of CAS Institute of High Energy Physics and lasted six and a half years, at cumulated costs of 2.3 billion RMB. The equipment comprises an 80 MeV Hˉ linac, a 1.6 GeV rapid cycling synchrotron (RCS) and a target station with three initial instruments used for neutron scattering research. Neutron scattering is used to study the atomic structure of materials, e. g., the residual stress of large metal parts, used in the design of aircraft engines and for high-speed trains. The innovation capacity in related industrial technology is considered high, especially in fields like magnets, power supplies, neutron detectors and electronics. It  is the first time that China has developed 25 Hz AC resonant excitation large-scale dipole and quadrupole magnets and their power supplies, as well as liquid hydrogen moderators.

 CAS news release, August 24, 2018

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