According to the China Industry and Information Department, China will stepwise employ a nationwide IPv6 internet protocol.
(1) By 2018, it will form a market-driven excellent development environment, and the number of IPv6 active users reaches 200 million people,
(2) By 2020, a market-driven excellent development environment is gradually established, and the number of IPv6 active users exceeds 500 million. The new web address does not use personal IPv4 addresses any longer,
(3) By 2025, China’s IPv6 network scale, user size, traffic volume scale will be the world’s largest. Network, applications, and terminals fully support IPv6, and complete the flat evolution and upgrade to the next generation network.
Currently China’s IPv6 users are only 3% of the total, 70th in the world.
Japan JST China news, August 9, 2018