The CASEarth Big Science Project

The project, inaugurated at March 1, 2018, aims to build a global and open international big earth data science center over the next 5 years. A team of 129 institutions from home and abroad with a total of more than 1200 researchers will focus on three areas of work. The first is to solve a series of technical bottlenecks and form a multi-disciplinary, unique big data and cloud service platform, that supports national macro decision-making and major scientific discovery. The second is to build a digital data-driven and highly influential digital earth science platform to display and dynamically promote the “One Belt and One Road” sustainable development process. The third is to explore a new paradigm for the development of science that is driven by the development of big data and multidisciplinary integration, and strives to achieve major breakthroughs in the areas of resource and environment, oceans, the poles, biodiversity, and ecological security. . There are also nine projects related to security. Project leader is GUO Huadong, academician of CAS. According to GUO, U.S. big data in 2013 accounted for about 31%, EU for 19%, and China for 13% of global data. In 1917, China’s share had increased to 16%, and in 2020 China will account for 21%.地球大数据科学工程/22387705?fr=aladdin

CAS news release, March 21, 2018

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