China’s Top Ten most influental life scientists in 2017

According to a rating on Biology Discovery Journal and WeChat in which 10.000ds of scientists participated, the selection was for

1. HE Lin, Shanghai Jiaotong University Bio-X Research Institute
2. SHI Yigong, Tsinghua University, founder of Zhejiang West Lake Institute of higher learning
3. QIAO Jie, Peking University Third Hospital, elected member of Chinese Academy of Engineering
4. WANG Jian, CEO of BGI, promoted the listing of A shares of Huada Gene
5. ZHANG Feng, Broad Institute, MIT, key breakthroughs on CRISPR
6. LU Yuming, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, development of liquid biopsy used in nasopharyngeal carcinoma detection
7. YU Dechao, Cinda Biologics Co., key person in China’s most productive drug company 2017
8. YANG Lulu, eGenesis Co., solved the problems of organ xenografting
9. CHEN Zijiang, Shandong University, new methods of blocking genetic mitochondrial diseases
10. GU Zhen, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, North Carolina State University
development of smart patch technology for diabetes, cancer, obesity and other fields

China Bio news release, January 3, 2017

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