Chinese consortium forms around CAR-T therapy, regulations still unclear

Nine pharmaceutical companies such as JW Therapeutics, Fosun Kite, Carsgen Therapeutics, HRAIN Biotechnology, Genor Biopharma and others have officially established the Shanghai Alliance for Immune Cell Therapy Industry. The Shanghai Biomedicine Science and Technology Industry Promotion Center will actively promote the development of a cell therapy industry, increase R&D funding and policy support efforts for CAR-T to benefit more patients as soon as possible. In December 2016, the CFDA released Guiding Principles for Research and Evaluation of Cell Products” (Draft for Comment). At present, the regulatory authorities are revising the guiding principles according to the feedback and are expected to release the implementation within 2017. An acceptable price for therapy in China would be around 100,000 Yuan, well below the prizes presently seen in the USA (400 – 500 k$).”

China Bio news release, December 1, 2017

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