Day: 14. November 2019

China will have over 130,000 G5 base stations installed by the end of 2019

According to a speech of China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, China’s 5G construction accelerates, and more than 130,000 base stations will be installed by year’s end. By retrofitting existing 1.97 million site resources and 10 million site class resources, the deployment of a nation-wide 5G network will be greatly accelerated. Japan JST China […]

Chinese NMPA approves Alzheimer drug based on gut microbiota improvement

Oligomannate (GV-971: sodium oligomannurarate) developed by Shanghai Green Valley Pharmaceuticals was approved by the NMPA as a drug to improve cognitive improvement of patients with moderate Alzheimer disease (AD). The multi-center randomized Phase III study which led to the approval was done for 36 weeks at 34 first-class hospitals in China on a total of 818 patients […]

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